Entrepreneurship and imposter syndrome: How to keep fear in check while building your business.
"Embrace the uneasy feeling and tackle your fear and imposter syndrome."

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I know I’m not alone in this, so I did some research and found a study to share. According to a study conducted by Kajabi in 2020, a whopping 84% of entrepreneurs or small business owners struggle with imposter syndrome in all stages of business. We tend to focus on what we are doing the worst, and fail to acknowledge all the things we are doing right.
Today we are going to dive into imposter syndrome and discuss how to handle it in a way that works best for your life and business.
Identify the beast that is holding you back in your business
How many times have you let yourself believe that you are not smart enough or good enough? The two main options you have in this life are: 1.) embrace the uneasy feeling and tackle your fear and imposter syndrome or, 2.) Let those fears shape the beliefs that you have about yourself and your capabilities, limiting your overall value of life. Ouch. Remember, everyone is making it up as they go, trying their best, and working towards a better tomorrow.
Failure is just a teaching moment in life + business
In your entrepreneurship journey you will hear no’s, your desired outcome won’t unfold like you want them to, and you won’t get the likes or comments on social media that you think you should. It’s important to not let those moments take hold and dictate your future. Use my analytical approach discussed in the episode to reframe how to look at success and failure.
Comparison is the thief of joy for small biz owners
Focus on serving on social media. Use the apps as grounds for helping your clients or audience understand a component of what you do and invite them into your life. Don’t get drug into the comparison game, and if you do, learn when to quit before you feed the imposter syndrome dragon.
Negative self talk is limiting you
We tend to talk to ourselves harsher than we would others. Remember that what you tell yourself you will eventually believe. If you wouldn’t say it to someone else, you shouldn’t say it to yourself.
Find your tribe and make an impact
Oftentimes, as entrepreneurs and small business owners, the average person just doesn’t understand the daily struggles that we endure. Finding and connecting with like-minded people has been a game changer for not only my mental well-being, but also in seeing and understanding that the sky is really the limit. This has helped keep imposter syndrome at bay, and has shown me that I am not the only one struggling.

Hey, I'm Lexi!
Small town mom, wife, and biz enthusiast! When I’m not nerding out over small business financials or recording my podcast, you can find me in the passenger seat of our Jeep or talking entrepreneurship over a cup of coffee.
My mission? To help service based business owners grow + scale with strategic planning and financial data so they can do what they love every dang day!

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